The Essence of Being: Part One

Growing up can suck sometimes.

Despite the awkwardness of childhood, life was generally straight-forward then. Being a humble but eccentric child, I spent most of my time engaged in sports, eating candy, playing video games, and reading comics.

Life as a child was about wanting something (food, toys, sports equipment, more food, video games, candy, and well, more food), and trying through whatever means necessary to fulfill that desire. I was a little simpleton, yes, but life was invariably simple. Life was easy. You want something, and when you get it, you're happy. Yay, end of story right?


Something happened to me as I grew up. Suddenly things like realizing my potential, existing in the moment, and living with passion were important. All those troublesome things suddenly mattered. Unfortunately, getting it is not as easy as swiping a credit card. The whole want/receive dichotomy didnt work for me anymore. I wanted something.. less tangible. I wanted happiness. And not the kind you get after buying an ipad, a car, or a house. I wanted the real stuff. The kind that comes from within. Thats when I started thinking, hmm.. what would make me happy.. ALL THE TIME? not just the fleeting happiness that occurs when you are free from work, purchase something, or experience some transient pleasure?

But this begs the question, CAN one be happy all the time? And SHOULD one be happy all the time? I say yes you can but no you shouldn't.

Uh.. double-you tee eff?

What I mean is that the definition of happiness as we know it, is often inadequate to describe what we want. The concept of happiness seems somehow fleeting, and indeed it is, even by definition, as happiness can only be defined by the existence of sadness. You can't be happy all the time unless you had at one point known sadness. So I guess what I really mean is blissful contentment at any given moment, whilst accepting the fleeting nature of happiness and sadness, or any other given emotional state.

So what is this thing called bliss, and who's leg do I have to hump to get some?

Is it ignorance? A useful solution no doubt. It allows us to truly live in the moment and not over-think ourselves into sadness. Its a fact that many of the great minds in our history were depressed ones. Think too much and you'll find things you don't want to see. Intelligence and curiosity leads to questions, which lead to answers, which lead to more questions. A never ending cycle that can drive people to madness.

The problem I face is that if ignorance truly is bliss, how can you achieve bliss without choosing ignorance? Because honestly, I would rather choose non-ignorance. Weird, I know..

A large part of EddiesWorkout is the exploration of practical philosophy. I believe that philosophical thinking is more than just a set of abstract concepts for those with too little time on their hands and are bored of tie-dying their t-shirts. Philosophy, when applied to lifestyle design, has a huge potential for catalyzing life altering habits.

After much research, soul searching, and self reflection, there were three concepts that stuck with me: Autotelic living, Self-realization, and The Pursuit of Weirdness.

Part one of this three part essay is about autotelic living and how it can make your life awesome.

Autotelic living

Uh, what did you just call me?

The term autotelic is used to describe a person who is essentially internally driven. Contrasted with someone externally driven, the autotelic individual is not motivated by things like comfort, money, power, or fame. The autotelic person generally does not need or at least doesn’t actively desire these things as so much of what he or she does is already rewarding.

The benefits of autotelic living are enormous. For starters, it generally allows the individual to truly live in the moment, as what they do is so rewarding for them that every moment is precious and life giving. They are not merely biding time during a job they hate or relationships they don’t like to have money to spend in their free time consuming things. All we have is this very moment. Warning! Buddha wisdom incoming!

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha
Living in the moment is central to achieving this unbridled bliss; happiness on tap… Also, as an autotelic person, you are less likely to be swayed by the influences of others and will autonomously follow your own path. You live life as you see fit and in a way that makes you happy. It allows you to be immersed in the current of life, instead of waiting for life to happen.

So now what?

Ok, so now we know what an autotelic person is. Maybe you already live like this but didnt know it had a name! If you dont and would like to try, here are a few steps to help you on your way:

1. Breathe: Focusing on the breath is a fantastic way to be present in the moment. All organisms breathe in one way or another. Its the common denominator linking you to the rest of the universe. Be still. breathe. and connect.

2. Get it on paper: If you have things worrying you in the future or past, write them down. This way you will clear some space in your heart and mind to stop thinking about living and truly live.

3. De-clutter your space: Have things you don't need? throw them out or give them to charity. Keep only the things that let you lead a happy life. Life is ticking away slowly. Dont waste your ever decreasing amount of time organizing stuff. Its not what you'll remember in the end.
4. Listen empathically: The next time you talk to a friend or aquiantance, put your own autobiography aside and really listen to what they say. Empathize. Relate. Its a wonderful experience.

In part two I'll discuss the concept of Self Realization and part three, The Pursuit of Weirdness, and how they can help you live an awesome life. See you then!


Read part two of this essay here.